Praise of Thanks

A place for users and developers of the Xataface to discuss and receive support.

Postby ggarland » Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:25 am

Greetings Everyone,

Steve and anyone else who has worked on the Dataface Application, I want to say, "Thanks for this application and your hard work."
It has allowed me to create several front-end applications to data in the mysql database. I'm new to database designing and programming, but with Steve excellent documentation and the dataface application, I'll soon be using these applications in a production environment.

Steve please continue to add more examples documentation.

I'm presently working on trying to figure out the following:
1. How to encrypt the password instead of using plain text as in the example provided by Steve. (Researching Forum on this.)
2. How to add printing of data without selecting file then print screen in the web browser. (Researching Forum on this.)

Again, Thanks for the Dataface application. I'm looking forward to using this application for years and years to come.

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

Postby shannah » Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:06 am

Hi Gerald,

Thanks for the praise! Your questions are right on the money, showing that you probably have scoured every bit of documentation because these things haven't been documented yet.

>1. How to encrypt the password instead of using plain text as in the example provided by Steve.
This was undocumented until *now* because it was untested. I tested it out this morning and found some bugs. To get it working you will need to download a patched version of AuthenticationTool.php to replace the existing AuthenticationTool.php in the Dataface directory:

Once you have that in place you will be able to use the "encryption" parameter in your fields.ini file. Information about this parameter is found here:

>2. How to add printing of data without selecting file then print screen in the web browser
Currently there are no provisions made for printing of data. However the new actions API makes it almost trivial to add new views for result sets, including printer-friendly views. I am still working through the documentation of the new features in 0.6 (including the actions framework), but, when done, it should be fairly clear and straight forward how to create printable views. Clearly this is a feature that should be built-into the core eventually, but the modular architecture will allow 3rd party actions to be integrated into the core very easily.

Hope this helps a little.

Best regards

Steve Hannah
@shannah78 (on twitter) blog
Posts: 4457
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

Postby ggarland » Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:47 pm

Greetings Steve,

I replaced the AuthenticationTool.php file. Encryption is working. This is great.

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

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