Arithmetic [SOLVED]

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Arithmetic [SOLVED]

Postby cantlep » Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:48 pm


I realise that the arithmetic within Xataface can be a little flakey..but for what I need, I've found it to be cool. Result :-) I guess a grafted field of some sort may be required but I've got a "simple" calculation to do and was wondering the best way.

I'd like to multiply a column from the first table with a column from the second table and produce the output as a column in the second table.

within Table2/Table2.php
Table1.Price1*Table2.Price2 and then display it AS Table2.TotalPrice

Can you advise on the best way?

Thanks loads.
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Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:14 am

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