Joomla <--> xataface

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Joomla <--> xataface

Postby zmmaj » Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:43 pm

Have you idea how to get registered users from joomla and make it as valid registered in xataface?
joomla site is in same hosting where is xataface. MySQL bases too.. only different names...

one more question... where I can find more help about ShoppingCart module?
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Re: Joomla <--> xataface

Postby lemon dexter » Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:32 am

For the Joomla user link, this (from the Wiki) worked for me: ... sers_Table

You'll need to adjust it a bit to suit some slight changes in the Joomla users table - I think came in after 1.5, but if you're using 1.5 it's "as is".

I needed to add a field into the Joomla users table to pick up the "role" to match my permissions. You could maintain this independently of Joomla, or do what I did which was to build an additional field into the Joomla backend. There are a few online resources available (in Joomla related forums) on how to do this.
lemon dexter
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Re: Joomla <--> xataface

Postby tomtom8 » Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:41 am

This procedure does not work with version 2.5 x joomla.
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Re: Joomla <--> xataface

Postby lemon dexter » Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:00 am

I'm running Joomla 2.5.8 and it's working for me.

I mentioned the changes (since 1.5). These include:

1. the name/prefix of the Joomla users table; and
2. the table structure.

With the second, my sql statement in the delegate class reads:

$query = "SELECT id, Role, block, password, usertype FROM pb90h_users where username='".$_POST['UserName']."'";

However this also includes my additional field to pick up the permissions (Role). Remember it's also case-sensitive throughout.

Other than these changes, in the first instance, don't make any other changes to the example delegate class script. And clear your browser cache and templates_c directory before re-trying.
lemon dexter
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Re: Joomla <--> xataface

Postby tomtom8 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:54 am

I tried without success, I ask you what you put in fields.ini for this case in the password encryption = '???
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Re: Joomla <--> xataface

Postby lemon dexter » Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:29 am

You don't need anything in the fields.ini - the delegate class does all the decyphering necessary. The string entered only has to match the 'salted hashed' password that's stored - an encryption algorithm stored in fields.ini is mainly for new passwords, and with this technique they can only be entered via Joomla.

It didn't work first time for me! I suggest keep trying, but try not to change the delegate class apart from the essential changes to match your Joomla users table (and including a 'role' so permissions.ini comes into play) - I decided it was 'easily breakable', even translating some of the commented text broke it for me (ridiculous though that is)!
lemon dexter
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Location: Bristol, England

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